Paweł Krupa (paulfantom) authored
Paweł Krupa (paulfantom) <pawel@krupa.net.pl>
Paweł Krupa (paulfantom) authoredSigned-off-by:
Paweł Krupa (paulfantom) <pawel@krupa.net.pl>
access-ui.md 981 B
Access UIs
Prometheus, Grafana, and Alertmanager dashboards can be accessed quickly using kubectl port-forward
after running the quickstart via the commands below. Kubernetes 1.10 or later is required.
Note: There are instructions on how to route to these pods behind an ingress controller in the Exposing Prometheus/Alermanager/Grafana via Ingress section.
$ kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/prometheus-k8s 9090
Then access via http://localhost:9090
$ kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/grafana 3000
Then access via http://localhost:3000 and use the default grafana user:password of admin:admin
Alert Manager
$ kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward svc/alertmanager-main 9093
Then access via http://localhost:9093