Philip Gough authored
* make: Update kubeconform target versions * docs: Update changelog * docs: Update release details and matrix * Update support matrix and ci to include 1.26
Philip Gough authored* make: Update kubeconform target versions * docs: Update changelog * docs: Update release details and matrix * Update support matrix and ci to include 1.26
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
CHANGELOG.md 14.70 KiB
release-0.13 / 2023-08-31
- [CHANGE] Added a AKS platform to
#1997 - [CHANGE] Disable btrfs collector by default #2074
- [CHANGE] Enable Multi Cluster alerts by default #2099
- [FEATURE] Create dedicated Service to expose CoreDNS metric #2107
- [FEATURE] Add Windows support using Hostprocess instead of static_configs #2048
- [BUGFIX] Fix a compilation error when building the custom-metrics addon #1996
- [BUGFIX] Add
in Prometheus's NetworkPolicy #1982 - [BUGFIX] Fix namespace specified in manifest non-namespaced resources #2158
- [BUGFIX] Override ServiceAccount, Role and ClusterRole names in RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding #2135
- [BUGFIX] Remove deprecated
argument of prometheus-adapter #2185 - [BUGFIX] Fix alertmanager external config example #1891
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add startupProbe to prometheus-adapter #2029
- [ENHANCEMENT] Added configurable default values for kube-rbac-proxy in prometheus-operator, node-exporter and blackbox-exporter #1987
- [ENHANCEMENT] Modify control plane ServiceMonitors to be compatible with Argo #2041
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add md5 hash of the ConfigMap in Prometheus Adapter Deployment Annotations to force its recreation #2195
release-0.12 / 2023-01-19
- [CHANGE] Updates Prometheus Adapater version to 0.10.0 #1865
- [FEATURE] Added a AKS platform #1869
- [BUGFIX] Update Pyrra to 0.4.2 #1800
- [BUGFIX] Jsonnet: enable automountServiceAccountToken for prometheus service account #1808
- [BUGFIX] Fix diskDeviceSelector regex for aks and eks #1810
- [BUGFIX] Set path.udev.data Argument of Node Exporter #1913
- [BUGFIX] Include RAID device md.* in disk seletor #1945
- [ENHANCEMENT] Prometheus-adapter: add prefix option to config for container metrics #1844
- [ENHANCEMENT] Switch kube-state-metrics registry to registry.k8s.io #1914
- [ENHANCEMENT] Node Exporter: add parameter for ignored network devices #1887
release-0.11 / 2022-06-15
- [CHANGE] Disable injecting unnecessary variables allowing access to k8s API #1591
- [FEATURE] Add grafana-mixin #1458
- [FEATURE] Add example usage of prometheus-agent #1472
- [FEATURE] Add Pyrra as (optional) component #1667
- [ENHANCEMENT] Adds NetworkPolicies to all components of Kube-prometheus #1650
- [ENHANCEMENT] Scan generated manifests with kubescape in CI #1584
- [ENHANCEMENT] Explicitly declare allowPrivilegeEscalation to false in all components #1593
- [ENHANCEMENT] Forbid write access to root filesystem #1600
- [ENHANCEMENT] Drop Linux capabilities, , just keeping CAP_SYS_TIME for node-exporter #1610
- [ENHANCEMENT] Remove hostPort from node-export daemonset #1612
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add priorityClassName as system-cluster-critical for node_exporter #1649
- [ENHANCEMENT] Added custom overrides for kube-rbac-proxy-self #1637
- [ENHANCEMENT] Adds readinessProbe and livenessProbe to prometheus-adapter jsonnet #1696
- [BUGFIX] Update kubeadm integration of kube-prometheus #1569
- [BUGFIX] Add projected volumes permission to addon/podsecuritypolicie #1572
- [BUGFIX] Hide namespace for prometheus clusterRole and clusterRolebinding #1566
- [BUGFIX] Fix accidentally broken thanosSelector after #1543 #1556
- [BUGFIX] Jsonnet: filter out kube-proxy alerts when kube-proxy is disabled #1609
- [BUGFIX] Sanitize regex denylist in ksm-lite addon #1613
- [BUGFIX] Sanitize all regex denylist in ksm-lite addon #1614
- [BUGFIX] Add extra-volume mount for plugins downloads #1624
- [BUGFIX] Added allowedCapabilities to node-exporter psp #1642
- [BUGFIX] Fix cluster:node_cpu:ratio query #1628
- [BUGFIX] Removed CAP_ from node-exporter daemonset #1647
- [BUGFIX] Update PodMonitor for kube-proxy #1630
- [BUGFIX] Adds port name to prometheus-adapter #1701
- [BUGFIX] Fix grafana network access #1721
- [BUGFIX] Fix networkpolicies-disabled addon #1724
- [BUGFIX] Adjust NodeFilesystemSpaceFillingUp thresholds according default kubelet GC behavior #1729
- [BUGFIX] Fix problems when enabling eks platform patch #1675
- [BUGFIX] Access requests to sidecar from thanos-query #1730
- [BUGFIX] Fix prometheus namespace connection for addons/pyrra #1734
release-0.10 / 2021-12-17
- [CHANGE] Adjust node filesystem space filling up warning threshold to 20% #1357
- [CHANGE] Always generate grafana-config secret #1373
- [CHANGE] Make filesystem ignored mount points configurable for node-exporter #1376
- [CHANGE] Drop some high cardinality cAdvisor metrics #1406, #1396
- [CHANGE] Use
instead of deprecated--collector.filesystem.ignored-mount-points
argument fornode-exporter
#1407 - [CHANGE] Drop some of prometheus-adapter metrics that are inherited from the apiserver code but aren't useful in the context of prometheus-adapter #1409
- [CHANGE] Remove "app" label selector deprecated by Prometheus-operator #1420
- [CHANGE] Use recommended instance label for Prometheus/Alertmanager resources #1520
- [CHANGE] Drop deprecated apiserver_longrunning_gauge and apiserver_registered_watchers metrics #1553
- [CHANGE] Drop deprecated coredns_cache_misses_total #1553
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add support for LDAP authentication in Grafana #1455
- [ENHANCEMENT] Include rewritten kubernetes-grafana for easier usage of new library features #1450
- [ENHANCEMENT] Specify default container in node-exporter pod #1462
- [ENHANCEMENT] Make metadata consistent across objects in the same component #1471
- [ENHANCEMENT] Establish convention for default field types #1475
- [ENHANCEMENT] Exclude k3s containerd mountpoints #1497
- [ENHANCEMENT] Alertmanager now uses the new
syntax in the routing tree and inhibition rules #1508 - [ENHANCEMENT] Deprecate
and exposemixin._config.thanos
config variable for thanos sidecar #1543 - [ENHANCEMENT] Added configurable default values for sidecar container kube-rbac-proxy-self in deployment kube-statate-metrics. #1637
- [FEATURE] Support scraping config-reloader sidecar for Prometheus and AlertManager StatefulSets #1344
- [FEATURE] Expose prometheus alerting configuration in $.values.prometheus configuration #1476
- [BUGFIX] Remove deprecated policy/v1beta1 Kubernetes API #1433
- [BUGFIX] Fix prometheus URL in prometheus-adapter #1463
- [BUGFIX] Always use proper values scope for namespace in addons #1518
- [BUGFIX] Fix default empty groups for k8s PrometheusRule #1534
release-0.9 / 2021-08-19
- [CHANGE] Test against Kubernetes 1.21 and 1,22. #1161 #1337
- [CHANGE] Drop cAdvisor metrics without (pod, namespace) label pairs. #1250
- [CHANGE] Excluded deprecated
metric. #1337 - [FEATURE] Add PodDisruptionBudget to prometheus-adapter. #1136
- [FEATURE] Add support for feature flags in Prometheus. #1129
- [FEATURE] Add env parameter for grafana component. #1171
- [FEATURE] Add gitpod deployment of kube-prometheus on k3s. #1211
- [FEATURE] Add resource requests and limits to prometheus-adapter container. #1282
- [FEATURE] Add PodMonitor for kube-proxy. #1230
- [FEATURE] Turn AWS VPC CNI into a control plane add-on. #1307
- [ENHANCEMENT] Export anti-affinity addon. #1114
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow changing configmap-reloader, grafana, and kube-rbac-proxy images in $.values.common.images. #1123 #1124 #1125
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add automated version upgrader. #1166
- [ENHANCEMENT] Improve all-namespace addon. #1131
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add example of running without grafana deployment. #1201
- [ENHANCEMENT] Import managed-cluster addon for the EKS platform. #1205
- [ENHANCEMENT] Automatically update jsonnet dependencies. #1220
- [ENHANCEMENT] Adapt kube-prometheus to changes to ovn veth interfaces names. #1224
- [ENHANCEMENT] Add example release-0.3 to release-0.8 migration to docs. #1235
- [ENHANCEMENT] Consolidate intervals used in prometheus-adapter CPU queries. #1231
- [ENHANCEMENT] Create dashboardDefinitions if rawDashboards or folderDashboards are specified. #1255
- [ENHANCEMENT] Relabel instance with node name for CNI DaemonSet on EKS. #1259
- [ENHANCEMENT] Update doc on Prometheus rule updates since release 0.8. #1253
- [ENHANCEMENT] Point runbooks to https://runbooks.prometheus-operator.dev. #1267
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow setting of kubeRbacProxyMainResources in kube-state-metrics. #1257
- [ENHANCEMENT] Automate release branch updates. #1293 #1303
- [ENHANCEMENT] Create Thanos Sidecar rules separately from Prometheus ones. #1308
- [ENHANCEMENT] Allow using newer jsonnet-bundler dependency resolution when using windows addon. #1310
- [ENHANCEMENT] Prometheus ruleSelector defaults to all rules.
- [BUGFIX] Fix kube-state-metrics metric denylist regex pattern. #1146
- [BUGFIX] Fix missing resource config in blackbox exporter. #1148
- [BUGFIX] Fix adding private repository. #1169
- [BUGFIX] Fix kops selectors for scheduler, controllerManager and kube-dns. #1164
- [BUGFIX] Fix scheduler and controller selectors for Kubespray. #1142
- [BUGFIX] Fix label selector for coredns ServiceMonitor. #1200
- [BUGFIX] Fix name for blackbox-exporter PodSecurityPolicy. #1213
- [BUGFIX] Fix ingress path rules for networking.k8s.io/v1. #1212
- [BUGFIX] Disable insecure cypher suites for prometheus-adapter. #1216
- [BUGFIX] Fix CNI metrics relabelings on EKS. #1277
- [BUGFIX] Fix node-exporter ignore list for OVN. #1283
- [BUGFIX] Revert back to awscni_total_ip_addresses-based alert on EKS. #1292
- [BUGFIX] Allow passing
thanos: {}
to prometheus configuration. #1325