Adjust NodeFilesystemSpaceFillingUp thresholds according default kubelet GC behavior
Previously[1] we attempted to do the same, but there was a misunderstanding about the GC behavior and it caused the alert to be fired even before GC comes into play. According to[2][3] kubelet GC kicks in only when `imageGCHighThresholdPercent` is hit which is set to 85% by default. However `NodeFilesystemSpaceFillingUp` is set to fire as soon as 80% usage is hit. This commit changes the `fsSpaceFillingUpWarningThreshold` to 15% so that we give ample time to GC to reclaim unwanted images. This commit also changes `fsSpaceFillingUpCriticalThreshold` to 10% which gives more time to admins to react to warning before sending critical alert. [1] [2] [3] Signed-off-by:Arunprasad Rajkumar <>