- Creates or updates Pull Requests for each dependency that needs updating
- Discovers and processes all `package.json` files in repository (supports monorepo architecture)
- Supports multiple major versions per-dependency at once
- Configurable via file, environment, CLI, and `package.json`
- Supports `yarn.lock` and `package-lock.json` files
## GitHub App
Renovate is now supported as a free GitHub app. Go to to enable it now.
You need to select a repository user for `renovate` to assume the identity of, and generate a Personal Access Token. It's recommended that you use a dedicated "bot" account for this to avoid user confusion.
You can find instructions for GitHub here (select "repo" permissions):
You can find instructions for GitLab here:
This token needs to be configured via file, environment variable, or CLI. See [docs/](docs/ for details.
The simplest way is to expose it as `GITHUB_TOKEN` or `GITLAB_TOKEN`.
$ node renovate --help
Usage: renovate [options] [repositories...]
-h, --help output usage information
--enabled [boolean] Enable or disable renovate
--onboarding [boolean] Require a Configuration PR first
--platform <string> Platform type of repository
--endpoint <string> Custom endpoint to use
--token <string> Repository Auth Token
--autodiscover [boolean] Autodiscover all repositories
--github-app-id <integer> GitHub App ID (enables GitHub App functionality if set)
--github-app-key <string> GitHub App Private Key (.pem file contents)
--package-files <list> Package file paths
--dep-types <list> Dependency types
--separate-major-releases [boolean] If set to false, it will upgrade dependencies to latest release only, and not separate major/minor branches
--ignore-deps <list> Dependencies to ignore
--ignore-future [boolean] Ignore versions tagged as "future"
--ignore-unstable [boolean] Ignore versions with unstable semver
--respect-latest [boolean] Ignore versions newer than npm "latest" version
--recreate-closed [boolean] Recreate PRs even if same ones were closed previously
--rebase-stale-prs [boolean] Rebase stale PRs (GitHub only)
--pr-creation <string> When to create the PR for a branch. Values: immediate, not-pending, status-success.
--automerge <string> What types of upgrades to merge to base branch automatically. Values: none, minor or any
--yarn-cache-folder <string> Location of yarn cache folder to use. Set to empty string to disable
--maintain-yarn-lock [boolean] Keep yarn.lock files updated in base branch
--lazy-grouping [boolean] Use group names only when multiple dependencies upgraded
--group-name <string> Human understandable name for the dependency group
--group-slug <string> Slug to use for group (e.g. in branch name). Will be calculated from groupName if null
--labels <list> Labels to add to Pull Request
--assignees <list> Assignees for Pull Request
--reviewers <list> Requested reviewers for Pull Requests (GitHub only)
--pin-versions [boolean] Convert ranged versions in package.json to pinned versions
--log-level <string> Logging level
$ renovate --token abc123 singapore/lint-condo
$ renovate --labels=renovate,dependency --ignore-unstable=false --log-level verbose singapore/lint-condo
$ renovate singapore/lint-condo singapore/package-test
Note: The first time you run `renovate` on a repository, it will not upgrade any dependencies. Instead, it will create a Pull Request (Merge Request if GitLab) called 'Configure Renovate' and commit a default `renovate.json` file to the repository. This PR can be close unmerged if the default settings are fine for you. Also, this behaviour can be disabled if you set the `onboarding` configuration option to `false` before running.
See [design decisions doc](docs/ for details.