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ewnd9's avatar
ewnd9 committed
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "name": "renovate",
  "description": "Automated dependency updates. Flexible so you don't need to be.",
  "version": "0.0.0-semantic-release",
    "renovate": "dist/renovate.js",
    "renovate-config-validator": "bin/config-validator.js"
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "scripts": {
    "build": "run-s clean compile:* copy-static-files",
    "build:docker": "run-s compile:ts copy-static-files",
    "clean": "rimraf dist",
    "clean-cache": "node bin/clean-cache.js",
    "compile:ts": "tsc -p",
    "compile:dts": "tsc -p tsconfig.dts.json",
    "copy-static-files": "copyfiles -u 1 lib/**/*.json lib/**/*.py dist/",
    "create-json-schema": "babel-node --extensions \".ts,.js\" -- bin/create-json-schema.js && prettier --write \"renovate-schema.json\"",
    "debug": "babel-node --inspect-brk  --extensions \".ts,.js\" -- lib/renovate.ts",
    "eslint": "eslint --ext .js,.ts lib/ test/",
    "eslint-fix": "eslint --ext .js,.ts --fix lib/ test/",
    "jest": "yarn clean-cache && cross-env NODE_ENV=test LOG_LEVEL=fatal jest",
    "jest-debug": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test LOG_LEVEL=fatal node --inspect-brk node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js",
    "jest-silent": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test yarn jest --reporters jest-silent-reporter",
    "lint": "run-s eslint prettier",
    "lint-fix": "run-s eslint-fix prettier-fix",
    "prettier": "prettier --list-different \"**/*.{ts,js,json,md}\"",
    "prettier-fix": "prettier --write \"**/*.{ts,js,json,md}\"",
    "start": "babel-node --extensions \".ts,.js\" -- lib/renovate.ts",
    "test-dirty": "git diff --exit-code",
    "test-e2e": "npm pack && cd e2e && yarn install --no-lockfile --ignore-optional --prod && yarn test",
    "test-schema": "babel-node --extensions \".ts,.js\" -- test/json-schema.ts",
    "test": "run-s lint test-schema type-check jest",
    "type-check": "tsc --noEmit"
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "keywords": [
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "author": "Rhys Arkins <>",
JYC's avatar
JYC committed
  "contributors": [
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
    "Andreas Bexelius <>",
    "Ayoub Kaanich <>",
    "Dragomir Țurcanu <>",
    "Filip Stenbeck <>",
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
    "Hutson Betts <>",
    "IKEDA Sho <>",
    "Israel Bethencourt <>",
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
    "James King <>",
    "Jamie Magee <>",
    "Jan Sauer <>",
    "Jean-Yves Couët <>",
    "Kevin James <>",
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
    "Klaus Meinhardt <>",
    "Maximilian Gaß <>",
    "Matt Lavin <>",
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
    "Michael Elufimov <>",
    "Michael Kriese <>",
    "Mike Bryant <>",
    "Nicolas Byl <>",
    "Pravesh Tora <>",
    "Rishabh Jain <>",
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
    "Sam Bull <>",
    "Sam Neirinck <>",
    "Tanuel <>",
    "Vladimir Starkov <>"
JYC's avatar
JYC committed
  "license": "AGPL-3.0",
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "bugs": {
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "engines": {
    "node": "^10.13.0 || ^12.0.0",
    "yarn": ">=1.10.1"
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
ewnd9's avatar
ewnd9 committed
  "dependencies": {
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "optionalDependencies": {
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "devDependencies": {
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "resolutions": {
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
Jon Bretman's avatar
Jon Bretman committed
  "jest": {
    "cacheDirectory": ".cache/jest",
Jon Bretman's avatar
Jon Bretman committed
    "coverageDirectory": "./coverage",
    "collectCoverage": true,
    "collectCoverageFrom": [
Jon Bretman's avatar
Jon Bretman committed
    "coverageReporters": [
Jon Bretman's avatar
Jon Bretman committed
    "coverageThreshold": {
      "global": {
        "functions": 100,
        "lines": 100,
        "statements": 100
    "setupFilesAfterEnv": [
    "snapshotSerializers": [
    "transform": {
      "^.+\\.(j|t)s$": "babel-jest"
Jon Bretman's avatar
Jon Bretman committed
    "tag": "latest"
Rhys Arkins's avatar
Rhys Arkins committed
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "pretty-quick --staged"
    "branch": "master",
    "analyzeCommits": {
      "preset": "angular",
      "releaseRules": [
          "type": "docs",
          "scope": "",
          "release": "patch"
          "type": "build",
          "release": "patch"
    "tagFormat": "${version}"
ewnd9's avatar
ewnd9 committed