HonkingGoose authoredHonkingGoose authored
label-actions.yml 3.37 KiB
comment: >
Hi there,
The Renovate team needs your help!
Before we can start work on your issue we first need to know exactly what's causing the current behavior.
A minimal reproduction helps us with this.
To get started, please read our guide on [minimal reproductions](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/docs/development/minimal-reproductions.md) to understand what is needed.
We may close the issue if you have not provided a minimal reproduction within two weeks.
If you need more time, or are stuck, please ask for help or more time in a comment.
Good luck,
The Renovate team
comment: >
Thank you for providing a reproduction! :tada: :rocket:
The Renovate team will take a look at the reproduction repository.
Once we confirm the provided repository reproduces the problem, the label will be changed to `reproduction:confirmed`.
comment: >
Hi there,
We have found that there's a problem with the logs.
Depending on which situation applies follow one, some or all of these instructions.
### No logs at all
If there's no log posted yet, we need you to find and copy/paste the log into the issue template.
#### Finding logs on hosted app
<details><summary>Click me to read instructions</summary>
If you use the Renovate app (GitHub):
1. Go to the affected PR, and search for "View repository job log here"
1. Click on the link to go to the "WhiteSource Renovate Dashboard" and log in
1. You are now in the correct repository log overview screen
1. Copy/paste the correct log
1. Follow the steps in the **formatting your logs** section
#### Finding logs when self-hosting
<details><summary>Click me to read instructions</summary>
If you're running self-hosted, run with `LOG_LEVEL=debug` in your environment variables and search for whatever dependency/branch/PR that is causing the problem.
### Insufficient logs
<details><summary>Click me to read instructions</summary>
If you already provided logs, and the Renovate team said they are not enough, follow the instructions from the **No logs at all** section.
### Formatting your logs
<details><summary>Click me to read instructions</summary>
Please put your logs in a `<details>` and `<summary>` element like this:
<details><summary>Click me to see logs</summary>
Copy/paste any log here, between the starting and ending backticks
'new package manager':
comment: >
Hi there,
You're requesting support for a new package manager.
We need to know some basic information about this package manager first.
Please copy/paste [the new package manager questionnaire](https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/blob/main/docs/development/new-package-manager-template.md), and fill it out in full.
Once the questionnaire is filled out we will evaluate if adding support for this manager is something we want to do.
Good luck,
The Renovate team
'retry latest version':
comment: >
Hi there,
You're reporting a problem with an outdated version of Renovate.
Please try the latest version and tell us if that fixes your problem.
Good luck,
The Renovate team