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  • Rhys Arkins's avatar
    feat: Full patch separation support (#572) · d9d131de
    Rhys Arkins authored
    This PR adds explicit patch support. A user can set `separatePatchReleases` to true and receive not only major/minor updates but also patch updates separately. This functionality is also implicitly enabled if `automerge` is set to `patch`.
    This PR also enables separate major/minor/patch configuration, e.g. config overrides for major versions, for patch versions, etc. `branchName` is currently overridden for patch branches using this technique.
    Closes #390, Closes #538 
    feat: Full patch separation support (#572)
    Rhys Arkins authored
    This PR adds explicit patch support. A user can set `separatePatchReleases` to true and receive not only major/minor updates but also patch updates separately. This functionality is also implicitly enabled if `automerge` is set to `patch`.
    This PR also enables separate major/minor/patch configuration, e.g. config overrides for major versions, for patch versions, etc. `branchName` is currently overridden for patch branches using this technique.
    Closes #390, Closes #538 


Configuration Methods

Configuration is supported via any or all of the below:

  • Configuration file
  • Environment
  • CLI
  • renovate.json in target repository
  • renovate field of package.json in target repository

The above are listed in reverse order of preference. i.e. package.json settings will override renovate.json settings, CLI, which overrides env, which overrides the config file, which overrides defaults.

Default Configuration

Default configuration values can be found in lib/config/definitions.js

Configuration File

You can override default configuration using a configuration file, with default name config.js in the working directory. If you need an alternate location or name, set it in the environment variable RENOVATE_CONFIG_FILE.

Using a configuration file gives you very granular configuration options. For instance, you can override most settings at the global (file), repository, or package level. e.g. apply one set of labels for backend/package.json and a different set for frontend/package.json in the same repository.

module.exports = {
  labels: ['upgrade'],
  depTypes: ['dependencies', 'devDependencies'],
  repositories: [
      repository: 'singapore/repo1',
      packageFiles: [
          packageFile: 'frontend/package.json',
          labels: ['upgrade', 'frontend']
      repository: 'singapore/repo2',
      depTypes: [
          depType: 'optionalDependencies',
          labels: ['renovate', 'optional'],
      labels: ['renovate'],
  packages: [
      package: 'jquery',
      labels: ['jquery', 'uhoh'],


$ node renovate --help

  Usage: renovate [options] [repositories...]


    --log-level <string>                 Logging level
    --log-file <string>                  Log file path
    --log-file-level <string>            Log file log level
    --onboarding [boolean]               Require a Configuration PR first
    --timezone <string>                  [IANA Time Zone](
    --onboarding [boolean]               Require a Configuration PR first
    --platform <string>                  Platform type of repository
    --endpoint <string>                  Custom endpoint to use
    --token <string>                     Repository Auth Token
    --autodiscover [boolean]             Autodiscover all repositories
    --github-app-id <integer>            GitHub App ID (enables GitHub App functionality if set)
    --github-app-key <string>            GitHub App Private Key (.pem file contents)
    --package-files <list>               Package file paths
    --ignore-node-modules [boolean]      Skip any package.json files found within node_modules folders
    --dep-types <list>                   Dependency types
    --ignore-deps <list>                 Dependencies to ignore
    --pin-versions [boolean]             Convert ranged versions in package.json to pinned versions
    --separate-major-releases [boolean]  If set to false, it will upgrade dependencies to latest release only, and not separate major/minor branches
    --separate-patch-releases [boolean]  If set to true, it will separate minor and patch updates into separate branches
    --ignore-future [boolean]            Ignore versions tagged as "future"
    --ignore-unstable [boolean]          Ignore versions with unstable semver
    --respect-latest [boolean]           Ignore versions newer than npm "latest" version
    --semantic-commits [boolean]         Enable semantic commit prefixes for commits and PR titles
    --semantic-prefix <string>           Prefix to use if semantic commits are enabled
    --recreate-closed [boolean]          Recreate PRs even if same ones were closed previously
    --rebase-stale-prs [boolean]         Rebase stale PRs (GitHub only)
    --pr-creation <string>               When to create the PR for a branch. Values: immediate, not-pending, status-success.
    --automerge <string>                 What types of upgrades to merge to base branch automatically. Values: none, patch, minor or any
    --automerge-type <string>            How to automerge - "branch-merge-commit", "branch-push" or "pr". Branch support is GitHub-only
    --lazy-grouping [boolean]            Use group names only when multiple dependencies upgraded
    --group-name <string>                Human understandable name for the dependency group
    --labels <list>                      Labels to add to Pull Request
    --assignees <list>                   Assignees for Pull Request
    --reviewers <list>                   Requested reviewers for Pull Requests (GitHub only)
    -h, --help                           output usage information

    $ renovate --token abc123 singapore/lint-condo
    $ renovate --labels=renovate,dependency --ignore-unstable=false --log-level verbose singapore/lint-condo
    $ renovate singapore/lint-condo singapore/package-test

To configure any <list> items, separate with commas. E.g. renovate --labels=renovate,dependency.


If you add a renovate.json file to the root of your repository, you can use this to override default settings. If you leave the packageFiles field empty then renovate will still auto-discover all package.json files in the repository.


If you add configuration options to your package.json then these will override any other settings above. Obviously, you can't set repository or package file location with this method.

"renovate": {
  "labels": [

Configuration Options

Name Description Type Default value Environment CLI
`enabled` Enable or disable renovate boolean
`logLevel` Logging level string
`LOG_LEVEL` `--log-level`
`logFile` Log file path string
`RENOVATE_LOG_FILE` `--log-file`
`logFileLevel` Log file log level string
`RENOVATE_LOG_FILE_LEVEL` `--log-file-level`
`onboarding` Require a Configuration PR first boolean
`RENOVATE_ONBOARDING` `--onboarding`
`timezone` IANA Time Zone string
`RENOVATE_TIMEZONE` `--timezone`
`schedule` Times of day/week to renovate list
`onboarding` Require a Configuration PR first boolean
`RENOVATE_ONBOARDING` `--onboarding`
`platform` Platform type of repository string
`RENOVATE_PLATFORM` `--platform`
`endpoint` Custom endpoint to use string
`RENOVATE_ENDPOINT` `--endpoint`
`token` Repository Auth Token string
`RENOVATE_TOKEN` `--token`
`autodiscover` Autodiscover all repositories boolean
`RENOVATE_AUTODISCOVER` `--autodiscover`
`githubAppId` GitHub App ID (enables GitHub App functionality if set) integer
`RENOVATE_GITHUB_APP_ID` `--github-app-id`
`githubAppKey` GitHub App Private Key (.pem file contents) string
`RENOVATE_GITHUB_APP_KEY` `--github-app-key`
`repositories` List of Repositories list
`baseBranch` Base branch to target for Pull Requests. Otherwise default branch is used string
`packageFiles` Package file paths list
`RENOVATE_PACKAGE_FILES` `--package-files`
`ignoreNodeModules` Skip any package.json files found within node_modules folders boolean
`RENOVATE_IGNORE_NODE_MODULES` `--ignore-node-modules`
`depTypes` Dependency types list
  {"depType": "dependencies", "semanticPrefix": "fix(deps): "},
  {"depType": "peerDependencies", "enabled": false}
`RENOVATE_DEP_TYPES` `--dep-types`
`ignoreDeps` Dependencies to ignore list
`RENOVATE_IGNORE_DEPS` `--ignore-deps`
`packages` Package Rules list
`pinVersions` Convert ranged versions in package.json to pinned versions boolean
`RENOVATE_PIN_VERSIONS` `--pin-versions`
`separateMajorReleases` If set to false, it will upgrade dependencies to latest release only, and not separate major/minor branches boolean
`RENOVATE_SEPARATE_MAJOR_RELEASES` `--separate-major-releases`
`separatePatchReleases` If set to true, it will separate minor and patch updates into separate branches boolean
`RENOVATE_SEPARATE_PATCH_RELEASES` `--separate-patch-releases`
`ignoreFuture` Ignore versions tagged as "future" boolean
`RENOVATE_IGNORE_FUTURE` `--ignore-future`
`ignoreUnstable` Ignore versions with unstable semver boolean
`RENOVATE_IGNORE_UNSTABLE` `--ignore-unstable`
`respectLatest` Ignore versions newer than npm "latest" version boolean
`RENOVATE_RESPECT_LATEST` `--respect-latest`
`major` Configuration to apply when an update type is major json
`minor` Configuration to apply when an update type is minor json
`patch` Configuration to apply when an update type is patch. Only applies if `separatePatchReleases` is set to true json
{"branchName": "renovate/{{depName}}-{{newVersionMajor}}.{newVersionMinor}}.x"}
`semanticCommits` Enable semantic commit prefixes for commits and PR titles boolean
`RENOVATE_SEMANTIC_COMMITS` `--semantic-commits`
`semanticPrefix` Prefix to use if semantic commits are enabled string
"chore(deps): "
`RENOVATE_SEMANTIC_PREFIX` `--semantic-prefix`
`recreateClosed` Recreate PRs even if same ones were closed previously boolean
`RENOVATE_RECREATE_CLOSED` `--recreate-closed`
`rebaseStalePrs` Rebase stale PRs (GitHub only) boolean
`RENOVATE_REBASE_STALE_PRS` `--rebase-stale-prs`
`prCreation` When to create the PR for a branch. Values: immediate, not-pending, status-success. string
`RENOVATE_PR_CREATION` `--pr-creation`
`automerge` What types of upgrades to merge to base branch automatically. Values: none, patch, minor or any string
`RENOVATE_AUTOMERGE` `--automerge`
`automergeType` How to automerge - "branch-merge-commit", "branch-push" or "pr". Branch support is GitHub-only string
`RENOVATE_AUTOMERGE_TYPE` `--automerge-type`
`requiredStatusChecks` List of status checks that must pass before automerging. Set to null to enable automerging without tests. list
`branchName` Branch name template string
`commitMessage` Commit message template string
"{{semanticPrefix}}Update dependency {{depName}} to version {{newVersion}}"
`prTitle` Pull Request title template string
"{{semanticPrefix}}{{#if isPin}}Pin{{else}}{{#if isRollback}}Roll back{{else}}Update{{/if}}{{/if}} dependency {{depName}} to version {{#if isRange}}{{newVersion}}{{else}}{{#if isMajor}}{{newVersionMajor}}.x{{else}}{{newVersion}}{{/if}}{{/if}}"
`prBody` Pull Request body template string
"This {{#if isGitHub}}Pull{{else}}Merge{{/if}} Request {{#if isRollback}}rolls back{{else}}updates{{/if}} dependency {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{depName}}]({{repositoryUrl}}){{else}}`{{depName}}`{{/if}} from version `{{currentVersion}}` to `{{newVersion}}`{{#if isRollback}}. This is necessary and important because version `{{currentVersion}}` cannot be found in the npm registry - probably because of it being unpublished.{{/if}}\n{{#if releases.length}}\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n### Commits\n\n
\n{{githubName}}\n\n{{#each releases as |release|}}\n#### {{release.version}}\n{{#each release.commits as |commit|}}\n- [`{{commit.shortSha}}`]({{commit.url}}) {{commit.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/each}}\n\n
\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis {{#if isGitHub}}PR{{else}}MR{{/if}} has been generated by [Renovate Bot]("
`yarnCacheFolder` Location of yarn cache folder to use. Set to empty string to disable string
`lockFileMaintenance` Configuration for lock file maintenance json
  "enabled": true,
  "groupName": "Lock File Maintenance",
  "recreateClosed": true,
  "branchName": "renovate/lock-files",
  "commitMessage": "{{semanticPrefix}}Update lock file",
  "prTitle": "{{semanticPrefix}}Lock file maintenance",
  "prBody": "This {{#if isGitHub}}Pull{{else}}Merge{{/if}} Request updates `package.json` lock files to use the latest dependency versions.\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n-   `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n-   `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis {{#if isGitHub}}PR{{else}}MR{{/if}} has been generated by [Renovate Bot](",
  "schedule": "before 5am on monday"
`lazyGrouping` Use group names only when multiple dependencies upgraded boolean
`RENOVATE_LAZY_GROUPING` `--lazy-grouping`
`groupName` Human understandable name for the dependency group string
`RENOVATE_GROUP_NAME` `--group-name`
`groupSlug` Slug to use for group (e.g. in branch name). Will be calculated from groupName if null string
`group` Config if groupName is enabled json
  "recreateClosed": true,
  "branchName": "renovate/{{groupSlug}}",
  "commitMessage": "{{semanticPrefix}}Renovate {{groupName}} packages",
  "prTitle": "{{semanticPrefix}}Renovate {{groupName}} packages",
  "prBody": "This {{#if isGitHub}}Pull{{else}}Merge{{/if}} Request renovates the package group \"{{groupName}}\".\n\n{{#if schedule}}\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\"{{schedule}}\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone `{{timezone}}`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\n-   {{#if repositoryUrl}}[{{upgrade.depName}}]({{upgrade.repositoryUrl}}){{else}}`{{depName}}`{{/if}}: from `{{upgrade.currentVersion}}` to `{{upgrade.newVersion}}`\n{{/each}}\n\n{{#unless isPin}}\n### Commits\n\n{{#each upgrades as |upgrade|}}\n{{#if upgrade.releases.length}}\n
\n{{upgrade.githubName}}\n{{#each upgrade.releases as |release|}}\n\n#### {{release.version}}\n{{#each release.commits as |commit|}}\n- [`{{commit.shortSha}}`]({{commit.url}}){{commit.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/each}}\n\n
\n\n{{#if hasErrors}}\n\n---\n\n### Errors\n\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\n\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\n- `{{error.depName}}`: {{error.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\n\n---\n\n### Warnings\n\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\n\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\n- `{{warning.depName}}`: {{warning.message}}\n{{/each}}\n{{/if}}\n\n---\n\nThis {{#if isGitHub}}PR{{else}}MR{{/if}} has been generated by [Renovate Bot](" }
`labels` Labels to add to Pull Request list
`RENOVATE_LABELS` `--labels`
`assignees` Assignees for Pull Request list
`RENOVATE_ASSIGNEES` `--assignees`
`reviewers` Requested reviewers for Pull Requests (GitHub only) list
`RENOVATE_REVIEWERS` `--reviewers`