@@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ description: Learn all about Renovate's automerge functionality here
Automerging is a Renovate feature that you can use to automate upgrading dependencies.
When enabled, Renovate will attempt to merge the proposed update once the tests pass.
Keep in mind that Renovate automerges take a bit of time, do not expect Renovate to automerge a PR the second it opens and passes tests.
Wait for at least an hour or two before troubleshooting to ensure that Renovate has had the time to run once in a state where tests have passed and the branch is up-to-date with its base branch.
If you or others keep committing to the default branch then Renovate cannot find a suitable gap to automerge into!
As a general guide, we recommend that you enable automerge for any type of dependency updates where you would just click "merge" anyway.
For any updates where you want to review the release notes - or code - before you merge, you can keep automerge disabled.