issueBody+=`\n\nPlease take the actions necessary to rename or substitute this deprecated package and commit to your base branch. If you wish to ignore this deprecation warning and continue using \`${depName}\` as-is, please add it to your [ignoreDeps]( array in Renovate config before closing this issue, otherwise another issue will be recreated the next time Renovate runs.`;
issueBody+=`\n\nIf you don't care about this, you can close this issue and not be warned about \`${depName}\`'s deprecation again. If you would like to completely disable all future deprecation warnings then add the following to your config:\n\n\`\`\`\n"suppressNotifications": ["deprecationWarningIssues"]\n\`\`\`\n\n`;
'\n\n Would you like to disable Renovate\'s deprecation warning issues? Add the following to your config:\n\n```\n"suppressNotifications": ["deprecationWarningIssues"]\n```\n\n';
// istanbul ignore if
// istanbul ignore if
if (config.dryRun){
if (config.dryRun){'DRY-RUN: Ensure deprecation warning issue for '+depName);'DRY-RUN: Ensure deprecation warning issue for '+depName);