@@ -4,10 +4,25 @@ Although Renovate is now best known as a "service" via the GitHub App, that serv
## Install
#### npmjs
$ npm install -g renovate
#### Docker
Renovate is available for Docker via an automated build [renovate/renovate](https://https://hub.docker.com/r/renovate/renovate/). It builds `latest` based on the `master` branch and all semver tags are published too. All the following are valid:
$ docker run renovate/renovate
$ docker run renovate/renovate:11.32.3
$ docker run renovate/renovate:11.32
$ docker run renovate/renovate 11
If you wish to configure Renovate using a `config.js` file then map it to `/src/config.js` using Docker volumes.
## Authentication
You need to select a repository user for `renovate` to assume the identity of,