#### Google Container Registry / Google Artifact Registry
##### Using long-lived service account credentials
To access Google Container Registry (deprecated) or Google Artifact Registry you can use the JSON service account directly with `Basic` auth using `_json_key` as username and the service account as password.
Because JSON in JSON wrapping makes things more complex, avoid it completely by encoding the JSON service account beforehand.
Google Artifact Registry, but not Google Container Registry, supports `_json_key_base64` and a base64 encoded service account natively.
If all your dependencies are on Google Artifact Registry, you can base64 encode and use the service account directly:
1. Download your JSON service account and store it on your machine. Make sure that the service account has read (and only read) permissions to your artifacts.
1. Base64 encode the service account credentials using `cat service-account.json | base64`
1. Add the encoded service account to your configuration file
1. If you want to add it to your self-hosted configuration file:
"hostRules": [
"matchHost": "europe-docker.pkg.dev",
"authType": "Basic",
"username": "_json_key_base64",
"password": "<base64 service account>"
1. If you want to add it to your repository renovate configuration file, [encrypt](https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/#encrypted) it and then add it:
"hostRules": [
"matchHost": "europe-docker.pkg.dev",
"authType": "Basic",
"username": "_json_key_base64",
"encrypted": {
"password": "<encrypted base64 service account>"
If you have dependencies on Google Container Registry (and Artifact Registry) you need to use `_json_key` and a slightly different encoding:
1. Download your JSON service account and store it on your machine. Make sure that the service account has read (and only read) permissions to your artifacts.
1. Open the file and prefix the content with `_json_key:`. The file should look like this:
1. Base64 encode the prefixed service account credentials using `cat prefixed-service-account.json | base64`
1. Add the prefixed and encoded service account to your configuration file
1. If you want to add it to your self-hosted configuration file:
"hostRules": [
"matchHost": "europe-docker.pkg.dev",
"authType": "Basic",
"token": "<base64 prefixed service account>"
1. If you want to add it to your repository renovate configuration file, [encrypt](https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/#encrypted) it and then add it:
"hostRules": [
"matchHost": "europe-docker.pkg.dev",
"authType": "Basic",
"encrypted": {
"token": "<encrypted base64 prefixed service account>"
##### Using short-lived access tokens
Assume you are running GitLab CI in the Google Cloud, and you are storing your Docker images in the Google Container Registry (GCR).
Assume you are running GitLab CI in the Google Cloud, and you are storing your Docker images in the Google Container Registry (GCR).