-`versions.props`and `versions.lock` from the[gradle-consistent-versions](https://github.com/palantir/gradle-consistent-versions) plugin
Renovate does not support:
Renovate does not support:
- Projects which do not have either a `build.gradle` or `build.gradle.kts` in the repository root
- Android projects that require extra configuration to run (e.g. setting the Android SDK)
- Android projects that require extra configuration to run (e.g. setting the Android SDK)
- Gradle versions older than version 5.0
- Catalogs defined inside a `build.gradle` or `build.gradle.kts` file rather than in TOML
- Catalogs with version ranges
- Catalogs with version ranges
- Catalogs versions using `reject`, and `rejectAll` constraints
- Catalog versions using `reject`, and `rejectAll` constraints
- Catalogs versions using more than one of `require`, `strictly`, `prefer` in a single declaration
- Catalog versions using more than one of `require`, `strictly`, `prefer` in a single declaration
- Catalogs with custom names that do not end in `.toml`
- Catalogs with custom names that do not end in `.toml`
- Catalogs outside the `gradle` folder whose names do not end in `.versions.toml`
- Catalogs outside the `gradle` folder whose names do not end in `.versions.toml` (unless overridden via [`fileMatch`](https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/#filematch) configuration)