"prBody": "This Pull Request updates \`package.json\` lock files to use the latest dependency versions.\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
"rebaseStalePrs": true,
"recreateClosed": true,
"schedule": Array [
"before 5am on monday",
"manager": "npm",
"managerBranchPrefix": "",
"newValue": "1.0.0",
@@ -104,20 +90,6 @@ Array [
"groupSlug": null,
"labels": Array [],
"lazyGrouping": true,
"lockFileMaintenance": Object {
"branchTopic": "lock-file-maintenance",
"commitMessageAction": "Lock file maintenance",
"commitMessageExtra": null,
"commitMessageTopic": null,
"enabled": true,
"groupName": null,
"prBody": "This Pull Request updates \`package.json\` lock files to use the latest dependency versions.\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",
"rebaseStalePrs": true,
"recreateClosed": true,
"schedule": Array [
"before 5am on monday",
"manager": "npm",
"managerBranchPrefix": "",
"newValue": "2.0.0",
@@ -250,20 +222,6 @@ Array [
"labels": Array [],
"language": "docker",
"lazyGrouping": true,
"lockFileMaintenance": Object {
"branchTopic": "lock-file-maintenance",
"commitMessageAction": "Lock file maintenance",
"commitMessageExtra": null,
"commitMessageTopic": null,
"enabled": true,
"groupName": null,
"prBody": "This Pull Request updates \`package.json\` lock files to use the latest dependency versions.\\n\\n{{#if schedule}}\\n**Note**: This PR was created on a configured schedule (\\"{{{schedule}}}\\"{{#if timezone}} in timezone \`{{{timezone}}}\`{{/if}}) and will not receive updates outside those times.\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasErrors}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Errors\\n\\nRenovate encountered some errors when processing your repository, so you are being notified here even if they do not directly apply to this PR.\\n\\n{{#each errors as |error|}}\\n- \`{{error.depName}}\`: {{error.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}\\n\\n{{#if hasWarnings}}\\n\\n---\\n\\n# Warnings\\n\\nPlease make sure the following warnings are safe to ignore:\\n\\n{{#each warnings as |warning|}}\\n- \`{{warning.depName}}\`: {{warning.message}}\\n{{/each}}\\n{{/if}}",