@@ -98,6 +98,10 @@ Set this value to 'patch', 'minor' or 'major' to have Renovate update the versio
You can also set this field to `"mirror:x"` where `x` is the name of a package in the `package.json`. Doing so means that the `package.json``version` field will mirror whatever the version is that `x` depended on. Make sure that version is a pinned version of course, as otherwise it won't be valid.
## bundler
Bundler is now in alpha stage and ready for testing! [Details](https://renovatebot.com/blog/ruby-bundler-support)
## circleci
## commitBody
@@ -813,6 +817,8 @@ Must be valid usernames. Note: does not currently work with the GitHub App due t
Set this to false either globally, per-language, or per-package if you want to disable Renovate's behaviour of generating rollback PRs when it can't find the current version on the registry anymore.
## ruby
## schedule
The `schedule` option allows you to define times of week or month for Renovate updates. Running Renovate around the clock may seem too "noisy" for some projects and therefore `schedule` is a good way to reduce the noise by reducing the timeframe in which Renovate will operate on your repository.