@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ Defines how the report is exposed:
- `<unset>` If unset, no report will be provided, though the debug logs will still have partial information of the report
- `logging` The report will be printed as part of the log messages on `INFO` level
- `file` The report will be written to a path provided by [`reportPath`](#reportpath)
- `s3` The report is pushed to an S3 bucket defined by [`reportPath`](#reportpath). This option reuses [`s3Endpoint`](./self-hosted-configuration.md#s3endpoint) and [`s3PathStyle`](./self-hosted-configuration.md#s3PathStyle)
- `s3` The report is pushed to an S3 bucket defined by [`reportPath`](#reportpath). This option reuses [`s3Endpoint`](#s3endpoint) and [`s3PathStyle`](#s3pathstyle)