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Version: 2.2.0 Type: application AppVersion: 11.2.2



A Helm chart for MariaDB on Kubernetes


helm repo add groundhog2k
helm install my-release groundhog2k/mariadb


This chart uses the original MariaDB image from Docker Hub to deploy a stateful MariaDB instance in a Kubernetes cluster.

It fully supports deployment of the multi-architecture docker image.


  • Kubernetes 1.12+
  • Helm 3.x
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release:

helm install my-release groundhog2k/mariadb

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the my-release deployment:

helm uninstall my-release

Common parameters

Key Type Default Description
fullnameOverride string "" Fully override the deployment name
nameOverride string "" Partially override the deployment name

Deployment parameters

Key Type Default Description
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
image.registry string "" Image registry
image.repository string "mariadb" Image name
image.tag string "" Image tag
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
extraInitContainers list [] Extra init containers
extaContainers list [] Extra containers for usage as sidecars
startupProbe object see values.yaml Startup probe configuration
livenessProbe object see values.yaml Liveness probe configuration
readinessProbe object see values.yaml Readiness probe configuration
customStartupProbe object {} Custom startup probe (overwrites default startup probe configuration)
customLivenessProbe object {} Custom liveness probe (overwrites default liveness probe configuration)
customReadinessProbe object {} Custom readiness probe (overwrites default readiness probe configuration)
resources object {} Resource limits and requests
initResources object {} Resource limits and requests for the default init container
nodeSelector object {} Deployment node selector
customLabels object {} Additional labels for Deployment or StatefulSet
customAnnotations object {} Additional annotations for Deployment or StatefulSet
podAnnotations object {} Additional pod annotations
podLabels object {} Additional pod labels
podSecurityContext object see values.yaml Pod security context
securityContext object see values.yaml Container security context
env list [] Additional container environmment variables
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Additional service account annotations
serviceAccount.create bool false Enable service account creation string "" Name of the service account
affinity object {} Affinity for pod assignment
tolerations list [] Tolerations for pod assignment
topologySpreadConstraints object {} Topology spread constraints for pods
podManagementPolicy string "OrderedReady" Pod management policy
updateStrategyType string "RollingUpdate" Pod update strategy
revisionHistoryLimit int nil Maximum number of revisions maintained in revision history

Service paramters

Key Type Default Description
service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type
service.port int 3306 MariaDB service port
service.nodePort int nil The node port (only relevant for type LoadBalancer or NodePort)
service.clusterIP string nil The cluster ip address (only relevant for type LoadBalancer or NodePort)
service.loadBalancerIP string nil The load balancer ip address (only relevant for type LoadBalancer)
service.annotations object {} Additional service annotations
service.labels object {} Additional service labels

Network policies

Allows to define optional network policies for ingress and egress The policyTypes will be automatically set

Key Type Default Description
networkPolicy.ingress object {} Ingress network policies
networkPolicy.egress object {} Egress network policies

Storage parameters

Key Type Default Description
storage.accessModes[0] string "ReadWriteOnce" Storage access mode
storage.persistentVolumeClaimName string nil PVC name when existing storage volume should be used
storage.volumeName string "db-volume" Internal volume name and prefix of a created PVC
storage.requestedSize string nil Size for new PVC, when no existing PVC is used
storage.className string nil Storage class name
storage.keepPvc bool false Keep a created Persistent volume claim when uninstalling the helm chart (only for option useDeployment: true)
storage.annotations object {} Additional storage annotations
storage.labels object {} Additional storage labels

MariaDB parameters

Key Type Default Description
useDeployment bool false Use Kubernetes Deployment instead of StatefulSet
userDatabase object {} Optional MariaDB user database
userDatabase.existingSecret string nil Optional existing secret with database name, user and password string "" Key of the existingSecret with database name string "" Name of the user database (if no existingSecret was specified)
userDatabase.user.secretKey string "" Key of the existingSecret with database user
userDatabase.user.value string "" User name with full access to user database (if no existingSecret was specified)
userDatabase.password.secretKey string "" Key of the existingSecret with password of created user
userDatabase.password.value string "" Password of created user (if no existingSecret was specified)
settings.existingSecret string nil Optional existing secret for the root password
settings.rootPassword.secretKey string nil Key of existingSecret for the MariaDB root password
settings.rootPassword.value string nil MariaDB root password (if no existingSecret was specified)
settings.allowEmptyRootPassword bool false Set true to allow an empty root password
settings.skipTZInfo bool false Set true to skip loading timezone data during init
settings.arguments list [] Additional arguments for mysqld (entrypoint process)
customConfig string nil Additional MariaDB custom configuration mounted as /etc/mysql/custom.cnf
extraEnvSecrets list [] A list of existing secrets that will be mounted into the container as environment variables
extraSecretConfigs string nil An existing secret with files that will be mounted into the container as custom MariaDB configuration files (*.cnf) in /etc/mysql/conf.d
customScripts object nil Optional custom scripts that can be defined inline and will be mounted as files in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
extraScripts string nil An existing configMap with files that will be mounted into the container as script files (*.sql, *.sh) in /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
extraSecrets list [] A list of additional existing secrets that will be mounted into the container
extraSecrets[].name string nil Name of the existing K8s secret
extraSecrets[].mountPath string nil Mount path where the secret should be mounted into the container (f.e. /mysecretfolder)