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_Note: This release is equivalent to v1.6.0-beta.2

Upgrade to the latest version of Electron, 1.8.2 (#2066)

Replace custom notification sound with system sound (#2108)

Update menus (#2078 and #2099)
  - A few copy changes to make things clearer
  - Settings now available via the File (Windows/Linux) or Signal Desktop
    (macOS) OS menu
  - Eliminate the triple-dot menu in the top-center of the screen

Fixed: Hitting enter after entering device name on install would not
move to next screen (#2085)

  - Ensure consistent builds using yarn --frozen-lockfile (#2098)
  - Update code to match eslint-enforced formatting (#2077)
  - Upgrade to latest version of electron-builder and associated
    packages (#2066 and #2097)