@@ -49,20 +49,6 @@ This toolchain is still under development. Before it will be used in production
-[ ] Migrate [apps](https://git.shivering-isles.com/shivering-isles/infrastructure/) to gitops and Kubernetes
- [ ] Move to immutable base-system
Building smaller, more-minimalistic, plain Kubernetes clusters will be cheaper than OpenShift with OKD and more stable since etcd doesn't have to write a ton of data to disk and there aren't two API server running that take up to 3GB of RAM per master node.
The goal is still to manage everything GitOps style, but more iterative and slowly grinding the way forward before clusters will become productive.
Original assumptions / Lessons Learned
> This repository is focused on a setup based on OpenShift, [OKD](https://okd.io) to be specific. Therefore some installations and settings might be based on the expectation of OKD's default setup instead of going the plain Kubernetes way of inventing everything ourselves.
Sadly this previous assumption didn't hold up. OpenShift on Hetzner Cloud resulted in quite annoying downtimes during upgrades. While the origin of the problem was not fully determined, it was proven that severe spikes in etcd writing fsyncs of up to 600ms did play a major role in it.