- Feb 13, 2024
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
- Feb 12, 2024
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Botaniker (Bot) authored
Botaniker (Bot) authored
Sheogorath authored
- Feb 11, 2024
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
This patch extends the duration for the longhorn-share alert, that was hotfixed with the hotfix-7183 cronjob. Since the cronjob runs every 5 minutes, this patch extends the alert to 10 minutes to catch possible hotfix failures.
Sheogorath authored
Currently when the share-pod simply doesn't exist the hotfix doesn'T trigger correctly and therefore never patches the error state. Instead it errors out with the following message: ``` Error from server (NotFound): pods "share-manager-pvc-36c42839-3899-41fe-bfe3-a6308982d671" not found ```
Botaniker (Bot) authored
- Feb 10, 2024
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Version 0.61.0 introduced a new function in the register-runner script, which fails to run with the image. The following error message is thrown: ``` /configmaps/register-the-runner: 2: Syntax error: "(" unexpected ``` This was fixed by version 0.61.2. Reference: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/gitlab/gitlab-runner/0.61.2?modal=template&template=configmap.yaml&compare-to=0.61.1
Botaniker (Bot) authored
Sheogorath authored
With the new Runner Tokens, it's no longer allowed to set certain parameters, as Runners won't register themselves anymore. As a result they fail to start. Error message: ``` FATAL: Runner configuration other than name and executor configuration is reserved (specifically --locked, --access-level, --run-untagged, --maximum-timeout, --paused, --tag-list, and --maintenance-note) and cannot be specified when registering with a runner authentication token. This configuration is specified on the GitLab server. Please try again without specifying any of those arguments. For more information, see https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/runners/new_creation_workflow.html#changes-to-the-gitlab-runner-register-command-syntax ```
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
- Feb 09, 2024
Sheogorath authored
Botaniker (Bot) authored
Botaniker (Bot) authored
Botaniker (Bot) authored
Sheogorath authored
- Feb 08, 2024
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored