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chore(deps): update immich

Botaniker (Bot) requested to merge renovate/immich into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change Kustomization minor v1.99.0 -> v1.100.0 digest 9a9d289 -> 612e885 Kustomization minor v1.99.0 -> v1.100.0 digest ad7a982 -> d603fd3

Release Notes

immich-app/immich (


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Welcome to release v1.100.0, not yet v2.0 😛 of Immich. This release includes mostly bug fixes, code refactoring, and nice web QoL improvements. Some of the highlights include:

  • Ability to view different album ownership on the album page.
  • Better user experience when creating a new album.
  • Context menu items now come with associated icons.
  • Slideshow control improvement.
  • Added job metrics for Prometheus.
  • Notable fix: Scroll stickiness on the mobile app.
Album ownership toggle

On the album page on the web, you can now view all albums - i.e., shared or, owned or both - on the same page by using the toggle options.

Better user experience when creating a new album

The notification on the web now includes a button to go to the album after you add new photos or videos to an album.

Context menu with associated icons

We added icons to the context menu to make the distinction between the options clearer.


Slideshow control improvement

After 10 seconds of inactivity, the cursor and control bar will be hidden, and a button will allow you to return to full screen.

Job metrics

You can now monitor the successful, skipped, and failed jobs for particular job types in Prometheus and the number of active jobs being processed in each queue.

And as always, bugs are fixed, and many other improvements also come with this release.

Please consider supporting the project.


If you find the project helpful, you can support Immich via the following channels.

It is a great way to let me know that you want me to continue developing and working on this project for years to come.

What's Changed
🗄️ Server
📱 Mobile
🖥️ Web
📓 Documentation
🔨 Maintenance
New Contributors

Full Changelog:


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👻 Immortal: This MR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot. The local configuration can be found in the SI Renovate Bot repository.

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