
- Creates or updates Pull Requests for each dependency that needs updating
- Discovers and processes all `package.json` files in repository (supports monorepo architecture)
- Supports multiple major versions per-dependency at once
- Configurable via file, environment, CLI, and `package.json`
- Supports `yarn.lock` and `package-lock.json` files
- Supports GitHub and GitLab
- Open source and can be self-hosted
Renovate is now available as a free GitHub "App". Go to []( to enable it now.
You need to select a repository user for `renovate` to assume the identity of, and generate a Personal Access Token. It's strongly recommended that you use a dedicated "bot" account for this to avoid user confusion and to avoid the Renovate bot mistaking changes you have made or PRs you have raised for its own.
You can find instructions for GitHub [here]( (select "repo" permissions)
You can find instructions for GitLab [here](
This token needs to be configured via file, environment variable, or CLI. See [docs/](docs/ for details.
The simplest way is to expose it as `GITHUB_TOKEN` or `GITLAB_TOKEN`.
Run `renovate --help` for usage details.
Note: The first time you run `renovate` on a repository, it will not upgrade any dependencies. Instead, it will create a Pull Request (Merge Request if GitLab) called 'Configure Renovate' and commit a default `renovate.json` file to the repository. This PR can be close unmerged if the default settings are fine for you. Also, this behaviour can be disabled if you set the `onboarding` configuration option to `false` before running.
See [deployment docs]( for details.
## Configuration
The [Configuration]( and [Configuration FAQ]( documents should be helpful.
See [design decisions doc]( for details.