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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.7.0-rc2 protected
    81e46325 · Release 1.7.0-rc2 ·
  • 1.7.0-rc1 protected
  • 1.6.0 protected
    8ce7b285 · Release version 1.6.0 ·
    Release version 1.6.0
    * After the 1.6 release we will start to develop Version 2.0, which will introduce breaking changes. But we will take care of making your way to 2.0 easy.
    * Since Node version 8 is EOL since January 2020, 1.6 will be the last version with support for Node version 8
    * `useCDN` is now `false` by default. This feature is deprecated already and will be removed in 2.0.
    * Add AWS endpoint configuration options
    * Add ability to add an imprint using `./public/docs/`
    * Improve documentation in various sections
    * Add ability to create note based on alias in free-url-mode
    * Add security note describing the preferred way for responsible disclosures
    * Extend forbiddenNoteIds to prevent conflicts with resource directories
    * Add OpenGraph metadata support
    * Add slovak language
    * Add API documentation
    * Allow different reference-url styles
    * Add automatic focus username field in login modal
    * Add ability to limit google-auth to own domain
    * Upgrade revealJS to version 3.9.2
    * Upgrade mermaid to version 8.4.6
    * Update translations (zh-cn, zh-TW, en, de, id, pl, ar, ca, fr, it, sk, sv, ja, nl, pt, ru, es)
    * Fix docker secrets support
    * Fix sequlize-cli dependency location
    * Fix crash in lutim integration
    * Fix manage_users CLI handling of non-existing user
    * Fix ability to serve CodiMD from different urlpath than `/`
    * Fix change from gravatar to libravatar in privacy policy example
    * Fix missing browser icons in README
    * Refactor note creation handling
    * Improve webpack documentation
    * Split note actions into own files
    * Refactor returnTo handling for auth
    * Legacy handling of connections
    * Node 8 CI jobs
    * [Amolith](
    * Andrea Rossi (translator)
    * CasperS (translator)
    * Cpp.create (translator)
    * [David Mehren](
    * Deluxghost (translator)
    * em_crx (translator)
    * [Enrico Guiraud](
    * Epson12332 (translator)
    * [Erik Michelson](
    * Fajar Maulana (translator)
    * [Fonata](
    * [foobarable](
    * [Girish Ramakrishnan](
    * Grzegorz (translator)
    * [hoijui](
    * [Ian Tsai](
    * id7xyz (translator)
    * [ike](
    * Info (translator)
    * Javier Leandro (translator)
    * [Jonas Thelemann](
    * [Jonas Zohren](
    * kazutomo.waragai (translator)
    * [MartinT](
    * [Mathias Merscher](
    * [Matthias Lindinger](
    * Mdhm (translator)
    * Me (translator)
    * mondstern (translator)
    * Patrick (translator)
    * Rafael Gauna Trindade (translator)
    * Ramon van Biljouw (translator)
    * [RyotaK](
    * [Sandro](
    * [Sören Wegener](
    * [Stefan Peters](
    * [Yukai Huang](
  • 1.5.0 protected
    9c1665ae · Release version 1.5.0 ·
    CodiMD 1.5.0
    * There is a new docker image available by providing an ARM container
    * Disabling PDF export due to security problems
    * Add migration guide for Node version 6
    * Add functionality to respect Do-Not-Track header
    * Add Arabian translation
    * Fix styling in slide preview
    * Fix some lint warning
    * Upgrade Sequelize to version 5
    * Add setup instructions for CodiMD
    * Update translations for DE, SV, ID
    * Add ability to upload SVGs
    * Add `dbURL`config as docker secret
    * Upgrade meta-marked - Fixes DOS capability in CodiMD (
    * Fix variable names in docker secrets config library
    * Refactor debug logging in various places
    * `useCDN` will be deprecated and will disappear in favor of locally served resources. (
    * [Amolith]( (social media)
    * Aro Row (translator)
    * bitinerant (security)
    * Butterflyoffire (translator)
    * [Claudius Coenen (ccoenen)](
    * Erik (translator)
    * Fajar Maulana (translator)
    * id7xyz (translator)
    * joohoi (security)
    * [Jonas Thelemann (dargmuesli)](
    * [Lennart Weller (lhw)](
    * [chbmb](
    * [Raccoon (a60814billy)](
    * RS232 (translator)
    * [Toma Tasovac (ttasovac)](
  • 1.4.0 protected
    51d69d99 · Release version 1.4.0 ·
    CodiMD 1.4.0
    * CodiMD now has a [Mastodon account](
    * CodiMD now has a [community forum](
    * With CodiMD 1.4.0 we're dropping node 6 support. That version of node.js is discontinued and no longer receives any security updates. We would like to encourage you to upgrade node 8 or later. Node 8 will continue to be supported at least until its end-of-life in January 2020.
    * Use libravatar instead of Gravatar
    * Fix language description capitalization
    * Move upload button into the toolbar
    * Clean up Heroku configurations
    * Add new screenshot to README and index page
    * Add link to community call to README
    * Update languages (pl, sr, zh-CN, fr, it, ja, zh-TW, de, sv, es)
    * Change edit link to `both` view
    * Hide minio default ports
    * Add missing passport-saml configuration
    * Add lutim support
    * Update dependencies
    * Add documentation for keycloak
    * Add tests for user model
    * Add Mastodon link
    * Add config for toobusy middleware
    * Add vietnamese language
    * Fix missing space in footer
    * Fix various possible security vulnerabilities in dependencies
    * Fix broken dependency js-sequence-diagrams
    * Fix XSS in graphviz error message rendering
    * Fix toolbar night mode
    * Fix hidden header on scroll
    * Fix missing pictures for OpenID
    * Fix statusbar hiding text in edit view
    * Refactor README and documentation
    * Integrate the old wiki into documentation section
    * Refactor headers on Features page
    * Replace js-url with wurl
    * Refactor scrypt integration
    * Remove sass-loader
    * [Amolith](
    * CasperS (translator)
    * Cedric.couralet (translator)
    * [Claudius Coenen (ccoenen)](
    * Daniel (translator)
    * Deluxghost (translator)
    * [Dylan Dervaux (Dylanderv)](
    * [Emmanuel Ormancey (nopap)](
    * Grzegorz (translator)
    * [Henrik Hüttemann (HerHde)](
    * Hồng (translator)
    * [Mauricio Robayo (archemiro)](
    * [Max Wu (jackycute)](
    * [naimo](
    * [Pedro Ferreira (pferreir)](
    * [Simon Fish (boardfish)](
    * [Stéphane Guillou (stragu)](
    * Sylke Vicious (translator)
    * [Thor77](
    * veracosta (translator)
    * Vladan (translator)
    * War (translator)
    * Zhai233 (translator)
  • 1.3.2 protected
    4ffeab61 · Release version 1.3.2 ·
    CodiMD 1.3.2
    * CodiMD is now running in an own organization. [Check out our vision for the future](
    * Update various links to the new repositories
    * Fix background color for mode switching button in night mode
  • 1.3.1 protected
    50c80c99 · Release version 1.3.1 ·
    * Add some missing translations
    * Add Serbian language
    * Fix broken redirect for empty `serverURL`
    * Fix wrong variable type for HSTS maxAge
    * Fix GitLab snippets showing up without being configured
    * Fix Google's API after disabling Google+
    * Fix broken PDF export
    * atachibana (translator)
    * [Aurélien JANVIER]( (translator)
    * [Daan Sprenkels]( (translator)
    * Farizrizaldy (translator)
    * [Luclu7](
    * Sylke Vicious (translator)
    * [toshi0123]( & okochi-toshiki
    * [Turakar](
    * [Vladan]( (translator)
  • 1.3.0 protected
    87443dec · Release version 1.3.0 ·
    * Run db migrations on `npm start`
    * Add documentation about integration with AD LDAP
    * Add `rel="noopener"` to all links
    * Add documentation about integration with Nextcloud for authentication
    * Update URL on frontpage to point to
    * Replace Fontawesome with Forkawesome
    * Add OpenID support
    * Add print icon to slide view
    * Add auto-complete for language names that are highlighted in codeblocks
    * Improve translations for Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italien, Korean, Polish, and Russian language
    * Add Download action to published document API
    * Add reset password feature to `manage_users` script
    * Move from own `./tmp` directory to system temp directory
    * Add Etherpad migration guide
    * Move XSS library to a more native position
    * Use full version string to determine changes from the backend
    * Update winston (logging library)
    * Use slide preview in slide example
    * Improve migration handling
    * Update reveal.js to version 3.7.0
    * Replace scrypt library with its successor
    * Replace `to-markdown` with `turndown` (successor library)
    * Update
    * Add warning on missing base URL
    * Update bootstrap to version 3.4.0
    * Update handlebar
    * Fix paths in GitLab documentation
    * Fix missing `data:` URL in CSP
    * Fix oAuth2 name/label field
    * Fix GitLab API integration
    * Fix auto-completed but not rendered emojis
    * Fix menu organization depending on enabled services
    * Fix some logging in the OT module
    * Fix some unhandled internalOAuthError exception
    * Fix unwanted creation of robots.txt document in "freeurl-mode"
    * Fix some links on index page to lead to the right sections on feature page
    * Fix document breaking, empty headlines
    * Fix wrong multiplication for HSTS header seconds
    * Fix wrong subdirectories in exported user data
    * Fix CSP for speaker notes
    * Fix CSP for disqus
    * Fix URL API usage
    * Fix Gist embedding
    * Fix upload provider error message
    * Fix unescaped disqus user names
    * Fix SAML vulnerability
    * Fix link to SAML guide
    * Fix deep dependency problem with node 6.x
    * Fix broken PDF export by wrong unlink call
    * Fix possible XSS attack in MathJax
    * Refactor to use `ws` instead of the the no longer supported `uws`
    * Refactor frontend build system to use webpack version 4
    * Refactor file path configuration (views, uploads, …)
    * Refactor `manage_users` script
    * Refactor handling of template variables
    * Refactor linting to use eslint
    * Remove no longer working Octicons
    * Remove links to our old Gitter channel
    * Remove unused library node-uuid
    * Remove unneeded blueimp-md5 dependency
    * Remove speakerdeck due to broken implementation
    * Adam.emts (translator)
    * [Alex Garcia](
    * [Cédric Couralet (micedre)](
    * [Claudius Coenen](
    * [Daan Sprenkels](
    * [David Mehren](
    * [Erona](
    * [Felix Yan](
    * [Jonathan](
    * Jong-kai Yang (translator)
    * [MartB](
    * [Max Wu (jackycute)](
    * [mcnesium](
    * Nullnine (translator)
    * RanoIP (translator)
    * [SuNbiT](
    * Sylke Vicious (translator)
    * Timothee (translator)
    * [WilliButz](
    * [Xaver Maierhofer](
    * [云屿](
  • 1.2.1 protected
    da818384 · Update version to 1.2.1 ·
    * Update Italian translations
    * Update Japanese translations
    * Update markdown-pdf
    * Add support for unix sockets
    * Update "follow us" information to Community channel and translation
    * Add Cloudron installation method
    * Add guide for Mattermost authentication
    * Update various packages
    * Add Indonesian language as new translation
    * Fix content types in status router
    * Fix some modal colors in night mode
    * Fix CSP to allow usage of speaker notes
    * Fix some wrong title attributes in the editor toolbar
    * Fix some confusion about the default location of images. It's always the local filesystem now
    * Fix object handling in avatar generation code
    * Finally fix error handling of LZ-String by using self-maintained version
    * Fix migration handling
    * Fix gitlab API version
    * Fix some server crashes caused by PDF creation
    * Fix document length limit on post to `/new`
    * Fix broken youtube embedding on `/features` page
    * Refactor generation of table of contents
    * Refactor "copyright"-section to be a "Powered by"
    * Remove unneeded inline styling
    * NodeJS version 6
    * Mattermost login integration (is replaced by [generic oAuth2 module](
    * [Alex Hesse (Pingu501)](
    * [Alexander Wellbrock (w4tsn)](
    * [Cédric Couralet (micedre)](
    * [Girish Ramakrishnan (gramakri)](
    * [maahl](
    * [Max Wu (jackycute)](
    * [Miranda (ahihi)](
    * [Ondřej Slabý (maxer456)](
  • 1.2.0 protected
    33a4b88d · Release 1.2.0 ·
    * HackMD CE is renamed to CodiMD to prevent confusion. [For details see here](
    * Show full title by hovering over to table of contents entries
    * Add generic OAUTH2 support for authentication
    * Redirect unauthenticated user to login page on "forbidden" pages
    * Add ability to add ToS and privacy documents without code changes
    * Add account deletion as part of user self-management
    * Add download of all own notes
    * Add privacy policy example (no legal advice)
    * Increase checkbox size on slides
    * Add support for Azure blob storage for image uploads
    * Add Korean translation
    * Add note about official K8s chart for deployment
    * Add toolbar for markdown shortcuts in editor
    * Add ability to disable Gravatar integration
    * Add print icon to slide menu which leads to the print view.
    * Add sequelize to setup instructions
    * Update various packages
    * Fix local writes for non-existing translations in production
    * Fix wrong documentation about default image upload type
    * Fix possible error if CodiMD is started with wrong working directory
    * Fix issues caused by cached/cacheeable client config
    * Fix issues caused by notes created via curl/API with CRLF line endings
    * Fix broken images for downloaded PDFs while using `filesystem` as `imageUploadType`
    * Fix Unicode URLs when using `allowFreeURL=true`
    * Split auth documentation into multiple documents
    * Remove polyfill for `useCDN=false` setups
    * Remove unused and no longer needed symlink from translations
    * [Adam Hoka (ahoka)](
    * [Edgar Z. Alvarenga (aivuk)](
    * [Jacob Burden (jekrb)](
    * [Pedro Ferreira (pferreir)](
    * [TC Liu (liuderchi)](
  • 1.1.1-ce protected
    a258719d · Release 1.1.1-ce ·
    * Fix Google Drive integration leaked `clientSecret` for Google integration
    * Update base64url package
    * Fix typos in integrations
    * Fix high need of file descriptors during build
    * Fix heroku deployment by limiting node version to <10.x
    * Refactor letterAvatars to be compliant with CSP
    * Google Drive integration
    Honorable mentions
    * [Max Wu (jackycute)](
  • 1.1.0-ce protected
    bdb8631a · Release 1.1.0-ce ·
  • 1.0.1-ce protected
    40d1d757 · Release 1.0.1-ce ·
    Security release 1.0.1-ce
  • 1.0.0-ce protected
    11a5dd0e · Release 1.0.0-ce ·
    Release 1.0.0-ce
  • 0.5.1 protected
    51cdd433 · Mark as 0.5.1 ·
  • 0.5.0 protected
    bd433596 · Mark as 0.5.0 ·
  • 0.4.6 protected
    39521f25 · Mark as 0.4.6 ·
  • 0.4.5 protected
    9a15cad4 · Mark as 0.4.5 ·
  • 0.4.4 protected
    f35aa94b · Mark as 0.4.4 ·
  • 0.4.3 protected
    d7d83c10 · Mark as 0.4.3 ·