- Sep 26, 2022
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
This patch simply adjusts the proxy buffer since, since nginx complained.
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
This patch removes the needs relation since it requires all `parallel` jobs to be executed before continuing, which break when only one helm chart is linted. Error message: 'chart-package: [keycloak]' job needs 'chart-helm-unittest: [mok]' job, but 'chart-helm-unittest: [mok]' is not in any previous stage
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
When using infinispan the app startup is a bit slower. As a result, it'll might cause a termination of the keycloak instance before it's fully in sync and therefore breaks HA. This patch introduces a startup probe that resolves this issue by waiting for a successful startup before the livenessprobe kicks in and might terminates the pod at any point when it's actually failing again. References: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/#define-startup-probes
- Sep 25, 2022
Sheogorath authored
Currently gitlab-ci doesn't allow variables in `exists` rules, which means the condition below can't be used. This is fixed by moving the condition into the script and just exit successful if the tests don't exist. Further it adds a requirement for the chart-package job to wait for the chart-helm-unittest job(s) before, this should help to prevent the release of broken charts. Finally we namespace the junit files generated during the tests, since they would overwrite each other, if multiple helm charts would run the CI jobs at the same time. References: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#needs https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/#rulesexists
Sheogorath authored
This patch reorders CI steps and adjusts some names. It also adjusts the exists rule, which doesn't seem to trigger as expected.
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
This patch updates the keycloak replica count to 2 and deploys a pod anti-affinity which will spreadout pods to different nodes.
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
This patch introduces the CI integration for helm-unittest, a nice helm plugin, which allows to run automatic tests on helm charts and validating the YAML based on individual settings with clear reports in gitlab.
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
This patch replaces the individual helm chart gitlab-ci yamls with a common gitlab-ci yaml for all charts, that will trigger based on changes and allow more generalised and unified CI jobs for all charts.
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
This patch enables an PDB for the keycloak instance, if the deployment is scaled to more than 1 replica.
Sheogorath authored
This patch fixes the forgotten defaults for the networkPolicy feature.
Sheogorath authored
This patch provides a network policy for infinispan that will allow communication among keycloak pods to the inifispan ping port. This should provide a first layer of firewall protection for the inifspan protocol.
Sheogorath authored
This patch adds the infinispan cache configuration for keycloak to allow proper HA deployment with all caching goodies. Turns out it's important to add the ping port (7800) to the headless service in order to run the inifispan setup for kubernetes. This was pieced together by some nice community posts, see: https://gist.github.com/pedroigor/e1476a41b544d15c1bd59155aad4f6ad https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/issues/9644#issuecomment-1016850466 https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/discussions/10125 Further the strategy Recreate was removed since it's not needed and the inifispan will allow to always keep one keycloak instance around.
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
It's the clusterIP field, not the type field, that has to be set to `None`. References: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#headless-services
Sheogorath authored
This should allow to run Keycloak in HA mode. This is done by deploying an additional headless service, providing its dns name to the keycloak container and explicitly configuring keycloak to use kubernetes discovery for cache-stack discovery.
Sheogorath authored
Currently there is an issue, that the kube-apiserver can't reach the metallb admission webhook, which results in the inability to sync any metallb objects. The reason why this doesn't work is not completely understood yet. It uses an IP address from the Pod CIDR ( which is blocked by the network policies. No single pod has this IP address according to `kubectl get pods --all-namespace -o wide`, which displays the Pods along with their IP addresses. This makes sense, given that the kube-apiserver is a host/node Pod, which is directly define in the kubelet configuration of the control-plane node, which also runs in the host network. As a result the pod has no regular Pod IP from the Pod IP address space. For debugging, I used a calico log rule, which are based on the calico network policies. Reference: https://projectcalico.docs.tigera.io/archive/v3.23/security/calico-network-policy#generate-logs-for-specific-traffic
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
This patch allows to set the `HOSTNAME` variable, which should explicitly set the hostname for the postfix pod and configure it to use the proper external DNS name.
Sheogorath authored
This patch adjusts the postscreen settings regarding dnsbls and alike to hopefully speed up the processing time of emails and make the place more inviting for wanted e-mails.
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
- Sep 24, 2022
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
This patch configures the git-chglog tool to generate the release notes for newer releases. This is a first step in pushing the tooling around the repositories further and providing a better overview over the changes in the repository.
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored
DNSWL went subscriber-only apparently. References: https://www.dnswl.org/
Sheogorath authored
Sheogorath authored